Speeding Compared to Reckless Driving Tickets
If you have recently gotten a speeding ticket or other moving violation, it may be in your best interest to discuss your situation with top speeding ticket lawyers that work in the jurisdiction where you were given the ticket. Depending on your particular situation, you may decide that you do not need a lawyer but it is a good idea to be fully informed of your legal rights and how they pertain to the moving violation charge you are facing, before you make this decision.
Speeding and reckless driving laws and their penalties differ from state to state but as a general rule, a reckless driving charge is a more serious charge than speeding.
Typically, speeding is a traffic infraction whereas reckless driving is often a criminal charge. Speeding tickets usually involve a monetary fine and points being assessed on your driving record by the DMV. Reckless driving tickets typically come with higher fines and more points assessed on your driving record as well as jail time.
If a person gets a certain number of points assessed to their license in a certain amount of time, the DMV may suspend or revoke a person’s driver’s license. In addition to DMV penalties, most auto-insurance companies raise your rates when you get a ticket, even if it’s the first ticket you’ve ever gotten or the first one you’ve gotten in many years. Most speeding convictions will be removed from a person’s driving record after a few years. If a person is convicted of reckless driving, this is a criminal conviction that will stay with the person for the rest of their life.
While there is no guarantee that a judge will offer this option, many people who are convicted of speeding for the first time, or for the first time in a certain amount of time after the last time they were convicted, may be able to go to traffic school in lieu of points being assessed to their driving record. As well as lawyer may be able to get a judge to grant a reduction in your charges and fines, or even have the charge completely dismissed. If you cannot get your ticket dismissed, going to traffic school will likely make it so that your insurance company is not notified of your ticket. When an insurance company is notified of a traffic violation or accident, their client’s insurance premium usually goes up. Going to traffic school can help to prevent this from happening.
Are top speeding ticket defense lawyers necessary to fight speeding and other traffic violations
While top speeding ticket defense lawyers are not required to fight speeding and other traffic violations, many people find that they wind up saving money in the long run by doing this. Depending on your particular circumstance, top speeding ticket defense lawyers may be able to help to:
- Lessen or remove fines
- Lessen or remove charges, including criminal charges
- Prevent points being assessed to your license and thus prevent your insurance premiums from going up, or from getting dropped from your insurance company
altogether. - Save you time by filling out and filing your paperwork, and by making court appearances, and by representing you in court if necessary
- Make you feel less alone and that your rights are being protected by someone who is trained and licensed to do this
If you are facing a speeding ticket or other moving violation it may be in your best interest to discuss your situation with top speeding defense lawyers as soon as possible. The sooner you contact them, the sooner they may be able to help to save you time and money.