Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or reckless driving, can all result in serious criminal charges. It does not matter whether this is your first or your fifth serious driving offense. Along with being assigned harsh penalties, it will become a part of a permanent criminal record on you if you are convicted of a criminal driving offense. Depending on your circumstances, a good traffic lawyer may be able to help you get your charges lessened or even dismissed.
DUIs and DWIs
Who Can Be Charged With a DUI or DWI?
Reckless Driving
DUIs and DWIs
In some states, driving while under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are terms used interchangeably and mean the same thing, whereas in other states they are terms for different charges to address different amounts of alcohol, drugs or other altering substances in a person’s system when they are arrested.
Some states do not use the term DWI at all and overall, not as many states use the term DWI compared to ones that use the term DUI.
A person can be charged with a DUI or a DWI for being under the influence of prescription or over the counter medications, even if they are taking the medication in accordance with their doctor or the manufacturer’s directions.
Who Can Be Charged With a DUI or DWI
Almost anyone whose facilities are altered by alcohol, drugs, or other substances, can be given a criminal charge for operating a vehicle while under the influence. If people are caught by authorities under the influence and operating vehicles such as cars, boats, planes, trains, buses, motorcycles, and ATVs, there is a good chance that they will be arrested and charged with a DUI or a DWI.
State drinking laws have changed over the past century but currently, all continental U.S. states have a minimum drinking age of 21 when in public but some states allow people under the age of 21 and minors to drink for a variety of different reasons and in different settings. When a minor is caught driving under the influence, the penalties can be harsher because minors who have consumed alcohol have likely broken the law by doing this- on top of breaking the law by driving while intoxicated.
While many states are similar, each state has its own specific guidelines for legal blood alcohol concentration (B.A.C.) and driving.
Law enforcement are also supposed to follow very specific guidelines when it comes to charging someone with a DUI or DWI. When an arrest is made without adhering to these guidelines, it may be an invalid charge that a good traffic lawyer may be able to help to get dismissed.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is a major moving violation in the United States. It is often punishable by fines, imprisonment, or driver’s license suspension or revocation. A reckless driver can be described as one who displays wanton disregard for the rules of the road. Reckless drivers often cause wrecks, accidents and other damage.
A reckless driving charge can be given to someone who is driving recklessly and potentially endangering themselves and others. Typically a reckless driving charge is made when someone is not intoxicated but sometimes this becomes a part of a DUI or DWI charge. Some states do not have specific reckless driving charges but a reckless driver can be charged with a number of infractions.
Legal Protection
It is important to seek protection if you or someone you love has been charged with a DUI, DWI, reckless driving, or any moving violation. An affordable traffic ticket lawyer may be able to help get your charges reduced or dismissed.